path: root/scheme/mapper.scm
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authorBradley Smith2008-01-21 00:16:45 +0000
committerBradley Smith2008-01-21 00:16:45 +0000
commite6e7222d5a730368ed4e84c2e0f55427460e5230 (patch)
treee608410401099ccebe7ffa21de9336d78c78efc9 /scheme/mapper.scm
Imported GNU robots from CVS.
Signed-off-by: Bradley Smith <>
Diffstat (limited to 'scheme/mapper.scm')
1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scheme/mapper.scm b/scheme/mapper.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba00c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scheme/mapper.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+; Mapping robot for GNU Robots 0.77
+; 1998-08-22 by Kyle Hasselbacher <>
+; The central idea here is that the robot keeps a map of where it's been.
+; The robot will move in a straight line until it encounters a wall or some
+; place that it's already been. When it gets there, it will head for some
+; place it hasn't been.
+; Any time the robot is in a place it hasn't been before, it will feel the
+; spaces around it as necessary to find out what's there. If it feels
+; something it can grab, it does.
+; (1) Speed. If the robot is far away from a "frontier", it takes a long
+; time for it to find a path there.
+; (2) It sometimes does some unnecessary turning. The (feel-around)
+; function always leaves it facing as it was, but after that it'll want to
+; turn anway because there's something in front of it.
+; (3) Its exploration isn't particularly systematic. It never really makes
+; zero progress, but it sometimes goes goes over ground multiple times when
+; it doesn't need to.
+; It keeps a list of frequencies of everything it's found so that it always
+; feels for the most prevalent map items first.
+; The map data structure stretches as the robot expands its area of
+; knowledge.
+; The robot also keeps track of its location and orientation.
+;;; Variables
+(define freq '(("space" 1) ("wall" 0) ("baddie" 0) ("food" 0) ("prize" 0)))
+; Oops. I redefined a primitive. Well, I didn't like that function anyway...
+(define map '())
+; Assumed to start facing east at the origin.
+(define facing (list 'east 'south 'west 'north))
+(define loc (cons 1 1))
+(define map-wide 0)
+(define map-tall 0)
+; We change this over the life of the robot, to keep it from getting hung up
+;(define favorite-direction 'east)
+;(define on-frontier #t)
+; If predict-death is true, the robot will dump its map to the screen and
+; exit when it think it's low on energy.
+(define predict-death #t)
+(define energy 1000) ; Starting energy
+; If this is true, the robot will cut short path searches as soon as it
+; finds a place it hasn't been before. This sometimes makes the robot
+; unnecessarily aggressive because it will see a path THROUGH a baddie
+; to a frontier before it notices the (cheaper) path around it.
+(define loose-goals #f)
+;;; Mapping functions
+(define (init-map x y)
+ (set! map-wide x)
+ (set! map-tall y)
+ (map-rows (+ 2 x) (+ 2 y)))
+(define (widen-map n)
+ (set! map-wide (+ n map-wide))
+ (set! map (widen-map-n map n)))
+(define (widen-map-n map n)
+ (if (null? map)
+ '()
+ (cons (append (car map) (make-list n #f)) (widen-map-n (cdr map) n))))
+(define (heighten-map n)
+ (set! map-tall (+ n map-tall))
+ (set! map (append map (map-rows (list-count (car map)) n))))
+; Yuck! This doesn't work: (make-list y (make-list x #f))
+; because every row is a pointer to the same list!
+(define (map-rows x n)
+ (if (< n 1)
+ '()
+ (cons (make-list x #f) (map-rows x (- n 1)))))
+(define (mark-map! loc thing)
+ (list-set! (list-ref map (cdr loc)) (car loc) thing))
+;;; Path finding
+; We have a map, so we should be able to find a path from one part of the
+; map to another without having to grope around, right? Here's how:
+; (1) Make a list of possible paths. Each path is a list containing the
+; "cost" of taking that path (including a heuristic estimate) and the
+; points along the path.
+; (2) Extend the current least-cost path in every possible direction
+; (creating new paths) and generate new cost estimates.
+; (3) Eliminate paths to duplicate locations (keeping the least-cost path).
+; (4) Eliminate paths with loops.
+; (5) Sort the list of paths.
+; The heuristic will probably be the horizontal difference plus the
+; vertical difference plus one. Note that it costs to turn, so we need to
+; keep track of how the robot is facing too. We'll make it cost 5 to move
+; through a baddie since you can do it if you zap 'im.
+; A lot of the code below was stolen wholesale (with comments) directly
+; from my second assignment in CS 348 (Intro to AI) at the U of I four
+; years ago. It was written in LISP, so few changes were necessary, but
+; variable names aren't always consistent.
+; It's a list that looks like this: (123 'north (1 . 2) (3 . 4))
+; The number is the estimated cost of the path from beginning to
+; destination (NOT from beginning to the current end of the path)
+; The direction is the initial orientation of the robot. It never
+; changes.
+; The first pair is the location the path started. The second is the first
+; step of the path, etc. The last pair in the list is the end of the path
+; right now (which may not be at the goal).
+; This will return a path including its cost.
+(define (find-path dest-loc)
+ (find-path-a dest-loc (list (list (guess-cost loc dest-loc)
+ (car facing) loc))))
+(define (find-path-a dest-loc path-list)
+ (d-list (list "find-path " dest-loc " " path-list "\n"))
+ (cond ((null? path-list) path-list)
+ ((is-goal? dest-loc (car (last-pair (car path-list)))) (car path-list))
+ (#t (find-path-a dest-loc
+ (sort-paths
+ (elim-common-dest
+ (reject-loops
+ (append (cdr path-list)
+ (new-paths (car path-list)
+ dest-loc)))))))))
+; The last location in the path.
+(define (end-path path)
+ (list-ref path (- (list-count path) 1)))
+; How much it costs to take a particular set of steps.
+; It needs to know the final destination so it can guess the cost of the
+; rest of the steps to get there.
+; It needs to know the initial orientation so that it can detect turns.
+(define (steps-cost steps dest face)
+; (d-list (list "steps-cost " steps " " dest " " face "\n"))
+ (if (null? (cdr steps))
+ (guess-cost (car steps) dest)
+ (+ (if (equal? face (tell-direction (car steps) (cadr steps)))
+ 0 1)
+ (cond ((equal? (at-loc (car steps)) "space") 1)
+ ((equal? (at-loc (car steps)) "baddie") 6)
+ (#t 10000))
+ (steps-cost (cdr steps) dest (tell-direction (car steps)
+ (cadr steps))))))
+(define (guess-cost start-loc dest-loc)
+ (+ (abs (- (car start-loc) (car dest-loc)))
+ (abs (- (cdr start-loc) (cdr dest-loc)))
+ 1))
+; Find more paths based on this path.
+(define (new-paths path dest-loc)
+ (recompute-costs dest-loc
+ (path-sanity (list
+ (append path (list (vector-loc 'north (end-path path))))
+ (append path (list (vector-loc 'south (end-path path))))
+ (append path (list (vector-loc 'east (end-path path))))
+ (append path (list (vector-loc 'west (end-path path))))))))
+; Throw out paths that try to go through anything other than spaces or
+; baddies.
+; Throw out paths that go through points outside the map.
+(define (path-sanity path-list)
+ (if (null? path-list)
+ '()
+ (if (or (and (not (equal? (at-loc (end-path (car path-list))) "space"))
+ (not (equal? (at-loc (end-path (car path-list))) "baddie")))
+ (out-of-bounds? (end-path (car path-list))))
+ (path-sanity (cdr path-list))
+ (cons (car path-list) (path-sanity (cdr path-list))))))
+(define (recompute-costs dest-loc path-list)
+; (d-list (list "recompute-costs " dest-loc " " path-list "\n"))
+ (if (null? path-list)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (set-car! (car path-list) (steps-cost (cddar path-list) dest-loc
+ (cadar path-list)))
+ (cons (car path-list) (recompute-costs dest-loc (cdr path-list))))))
+; Takes a path list and removes those paths which contain loops (double
+; occurrances of any one node). Each path is checked with the looping
+; procedure.
+(define (reject-loops path-list)
+; (d-list (list "reject-loops " path-list "\n"))
+ (if (null? path-list)
+ path-list
+ (if (looping (car path-list))
+ (reject-loops (cdr path-list))
+ (cons (car path-list) (reject-loops (cdr path-list))))))
+; A path is checked for loops by checking each node for membership in the
+; remainder of the path.
+(define (looping path)
+; (d-list (list "looping " path "\n"))
+ (if (null? path)
+ #f
+ (if (pair? (car path))
+ (or (member (car path) (cdr path))
+ (looping (cdr path)))
+ (looping (cdr path)))))
+; This was a LISP primitive. It might be a Scheme primitive too, but it
+; didn't do what I wanted. (The original code used symbols for nodes, but
+; this is using pairs.)
+(define (member test-loc loc-list)
+ (if (null? loc-list)
+ #f
+ (or (loc-eq? test-loc (car loc-list))
+ (member test-loc (cdr loc-list)))))
+; This takes a list of paths and eliminates those which end at the same
+; node. It takes a list of all paths which have the same ending as the
+; current path (provided by same-end)--this list can contain only one
+; thing--and takes the shortest of those paths to remain in the list.
+(define (elim-common-dest path-list)
+ (if (null? path-list)
+ '()
+ (cons (shortest-path (same-end (end-path (car path-list))
+ path-list))
+ (elim-common-dest (elim-dest (end-path (car path-list))
+ (cdr path-list))))))
+; This takes a path list and an ending node, and returns all paths in the
+; list which do not end at that node. It's used to eliminate paths which
+; end at the same node.
+(define (elim-dest dest path-list)
+ (if (null? path-list)
+ '()
+ (if (loc-eq? dest (end-path (car path-list)))
+ (elim-dest dest (cdr path-list))
+ (cons (car path-list)
+ (elim-dest dest (cdr path-list))))))
+; This takes an ending node and a path list and returns all paths in the
+; list which DO end at that node. It's used to FIND paths which end at the
+; same node.
+(define (same-end end path-list)
+ (if (null? path-list) path-list
+ (if (loc-eq? end (end-path (car path-list)))
+ (cons (car path-list)
+ (same-end end (cdr path-list)))
+ (same-end end (cdr path-list)))))
+; This is just a proper call to real-sp, which does the real work of
+; finding the shortest path in a list of paths. It returns a path.
+(define (shortest-path path-list)
+ (real-sp '() path-list))
+; This recursive function finds the shortest path in a list. The first
+; argument is the shortest path found so far, and the second argument is
+; the list of paths for comparison.
+(define (real-sp shortest path-list)
+ (if (null? path-list) shortest
+ (if (and (number? (caar path-list)) ; Just in case path-list is messed.
+ (or (null? shortest)
+ (< (caar path-list) (car shortest))))
+ (real-sp (car path-list) (cdr path-list))
+ (real-sp shortest (cdr path-list)))))
+; Tell whether our current endpoint is the goal. If loose-goals is true,
+; this will include any location we haven't already visited. This might
+; later be expanded to include "good enough" goals for when the real goal
+; is completely inaccessible.
+(define (is-goal? dest-loc cur-loc)
+ (or (loc-eq? dest-loc cur-loc)
+ (and loose-goals (not (been-to cur-loc)))))
+; Test whether two locations are equal.
+(define (loc-eq? a b)
+ (and (= (car a) (car b)) (= (cdr a) (cdr b))))
+(define (sort-paths path-list)
+ (quicksort path-list (lambda (a b)
+ (cond ((< (car a) (car b)) 'less-than)
+ ((= (car a) (car b)) 'equal-to)
+ ((> (car a) (car b)) 'greater-than)))))
+(define (execute-path path)
+ (d-list (list "execute-path " path "\n"))
+ (execute-steps (cdddr path)))
+; Go through the steps dictated by a path. This will make all the turns,
+; moves, and zaps necessary to get you where you're going according to the
+; plan.
+(define (execute-steps step-list)
+ (d-list (list "execute-steps " step-list "\n"))
+ (if (null? step-list)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (turn-face (tell-direction loc (car step-list)))
+ (if (equal? (at-loc (car step-list)) "baddie")
+ (zap))
+ (move 1)
+ (execute-steps (cdr step-list)))))
+;;; Action wrappers
+(define (zap)
+ (decr-energy 5)
+ (if (robot-zap)
+ (mark-map! (front-loc) "space")))
+; Maybe this should also note the spaciness of intervening map squares,
+; but hopefully we won't move into them if they're not spaces.
+(define (move n)
+ (decr-energy n)
+ (if (robot-move n)
+ (begin
+ (change-loc n)
+ (if (< map-wide (car loc))
+ (widen-map (- (car loc) map-wide)))
+ (if (< map-tall (cdr loc))
+ (heighten-map (- (cdr loc) map-tall)))
+ (feel-around))
+ #f))
+(define (change-loc n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (set! loc (front-loc))
+ (change-loc (- n 1)))))
+(define (turn n)
+ (decr-energy (abs n))
+ (change-face n)
+ (robot-turn n))
+(define (change-face n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! facing (append (cdr facing) (list (car facing))))
+ (change-face (- n 1))))
+ (if (< n 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! facing (list (list-ref facing 3) (list-ref facing 0)
+ (list-ref facing 1) (list-ref facing 2)))
+ (change-face (+ n 1)))))))
+;;; Sensory functions.
+; This will feel in front of the robot for everything it knows and grab
+; things that are worth grabbing.
+(define (grope)
+ (let ((thing (grope-things freq)))
+ (note-freq! freq thing)
+ (if (or (equal? thing "food")
+ (equal? thing "prize"))
+ (begin
+ (robot-grab)
+ (if (equal? thing "food")
+ (set! energy (+ 10 energy)))
+ (decr-energy 1)
+ "space")
+ thing)))
+; This does the actual feeling for the individual things in the frequency
+; list.
+(define (grope-things freq)
+ (if (null? freq)
+ #f
+ (begin (decr-energy 1)
+ (if (robot-feel (caar freq))
+ (caar freq)
+ (grope-things (cdr freq))))))
+; This makes sure the robot knows its immediate surroundings. It's called
+; after every movement. It won't feel spaces it's already felt, and it
+; always leaves the robot facing the same direction it started.
+(define (feel-around)
+ (let ((start-face (car facing)))
+ (feel-directions facing)
+ (turn-face start-face)))
+(define (feel-directions face-list)
+ (if (null? face-list)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (if (not (at-loc (vector-loc (car face-list) loc)))
+ (begin
+; (set! on-frontier #t)
+ (turn-face (car face-list))
+ (mark-map! (front-loc) (grope))))
+ (feel-directions (cdr face-list)))))
+; An old version of feel-around.
+;(define (feel-around)
+; (if (not (at-loc (front-loc)))
+; (mark-map! (front-loc) (grope)))
+; (if (not (at-loc (right-loc)))
+; (begin
+; (turn 1) ; right from "front"
+; (mark-map! (front-loc) (grope))
+; (if (not (at-loc (back-loc)))
+; (begin
+; (turn 2) ; left from "front"
+; (mark-map! (front-loc) (grope))
+; (turn 1)) ; front
+; (turn -1))) ; front
+; (if (not (at-loc (left-loc)))
+; (begin
+; (turn -1) ; left from "front"
+; (mark-map! (front-loc) (grope))
+; (turn 1))))) ; front
+; This changes the frequency list to reflect the last thing we felt.
+(define (note-freq! freq thing)
+ (if (null? freq)
+ '()
+ (if (equal? (caar freq) thing)
+ (set-car! freq (list thing (+ 1 (cadar freq))))
+ (note-freq! (cdr freq) thing))))
+(define (sort-freq!)
+ (set! freq (quicksort freq (lambda (a b)
+ (cond ((> (cadr a) (cadr b)) 'less-than)
+ ((= (cadr a) (cadr b)) 'equal-to)
+ ((< (cadr a) (cadr b)) 'greater-than))))))
+; THE SCHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION by Vincent S. Manis and James J. Little
+; page 487
+(define quicksort
+ (lambda (x compare)
+ (if (null? x)
+ x
+ (let*
+ ((pivot (car x))
+ (smaller '()) (equal '()) (larger '())
+ (classify
+ (lambda (item)
+ (case (compare item pivot)
+ ((less-than)
+ (set! smaller (cons item smaller)))
+ ((equal-to)
+ (set! equal (cons item equal)))
+ ((greater-than)
+ (set! larger (cons item larger)))))))
+ (for-each classify x)
+; (format #t "smaller: ~a equal: ~a larger: ~%"
+; smaller equal larger)
+ (append (quicksort smaller compare)
+ equal (quicksort larger compare))))))
+;;; Orientation-related functions
+; These give the coordinates of spots around the robot
+(define (front-loc)
+ (relative-loc 'front loc))
+(define (back-loc)
+ (relative-loc 'back loc))
+(define (right-loc)
+ (relative-loc 'right loc))
+(define (left-loc)
+ (relative-loc 'left loc))
+; Tell me a direction (right, left, front, back) and a location, and I'll
+; tell you the coordinate in the direction from the location. This uses
+; the current orientation of the robot to do its computation.
+(define (relative-loc dir loc)
+ (case dir
+ ((left) (case (car facing)
+ ((west) (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))))
+ ((east) (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ ((north) (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((south) (cons (+ (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))))
+ ((right) (case (car facing)
+ ((east) (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))))
+ ((west) (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ ((south) (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((north) (cons (+ (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))))
+ ((back) (case (car facing)
+ ((south) (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ ((north) (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))))
+ ((west) (cons (+ (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((east) (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))))
+ ((front) (case (car facing)
+ ((south) (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))))
+ ((north) (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ ((west) (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((east) (cons (+ (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))))))
+; Tell me a vector (north, south, east, west) and a location, and I'll tell
+; you the location in that direction from your location.
+(define (vector-loc face loc)
+ (case face
+ ((east) (cons (+ (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((west) (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ ((north) (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ ((south) (cons (car loc) (+ (cdr loc) 1)))))
+; Turn in a particular direction (north, south, east, west).
+(define (turn-face face)
+ (case face
+ ((east) (case (car facing)
+ ((east) #t)
+ ((west) (turn 2))
+ ((north) (turn 1))
+ ((south) (turn -1))))
+ ((west) (case (car facing)
+ ((west) #t)
+ ((east) (turn 2))
+ ((north) (turn -1))
+ ((south) (turn 1))))
+ ((north) (case (car facing)
+ ((north) #t)
+ ((south) (turn 2))
+ ((east) (turn -1))
+ ((west) (turn 1))))
+ ((south) (case (car facing)
+ ((south) #t)
+ ((north) (turn 2))
+ ((east) (turn 1))
+ ((west) (turn -1))))))
+;;; Unorganized functions.
+(define (decr-energy n)
+ (set! energy (- energy n))
+ (d-list (list "*** energy " energy " ***\n"))
+ (if (and predict-death (< energy 11))
+ (dump)))
+; I bet there's a primitive to do this, but I can write this faster
+; than I can look it up.
+(define (list-count tsil)
+ (if (null? tsil)
+ 0
+ (+ 1 (list-count (cdr tsil)))))
+; Tell whether a coordinate is outside the map.
+(define (out-of-bounds? loc)
+ (or (> 1 (car loc)) (> 1 (cdr loc))
+ (> (car loc) (- (list-count (car map)) 1))
+ (> (cdr loc) (- (list-count map) 1))))
+; Tell what's at a particular location. This will say "wall" for
+; out-of-bounds locations to the north or west and #f for out-of-bounds
+; locations to the south or east (since the map may be stretched in that
+; direction, theoretically).
+(define (at-loc loc)
+ (if (or (> 0 (car loc)) (> 0 (cdr loc)))
+ "wall"
+ (if (or (> (car loc) (- (list-count (car map)) 1))
+ (> (cdr loc) (- (list-count map) 1)))
+ #f
+ (list-ref (list-ref map (cdr loc)) (car loc)))))
+; Tell whether we've visited a particular location. It checks whether we
+; know what's at that location and the locations around it, so you can get
+; a true return even if you haven't actually stepped on the spot, but it
+; still means you don't need to go there.
+(define (been-to loc)
+ (and (at-loc loc)
+ (at-loc (cons (+ 1 (car loc)) (cdr loc)))
+ (at-loc (cons (- (car loc) 1) (cdr loc)))
+ (at-loc (cons (car loc) (- (cdr loc) 1)))
+ (at-loc (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))))))
+; This gives a list of coordinates that surround a particular location at a
+; particular "radius." The coordinates actually form a square. If the
+; radius is 1, you'll get 8 coordinates. If the radius is 2, you get 16.
+; This is used to search for locations of a particular type in a radiating
+; fashion from the robot itself.
+(define (coord-around-list loc radius)
+ (append (h-coord-list (cons (- (car loc) radius) (- (cdr loc) radius))
+ (+ 1 (* 2 radius)))
+ (v-coord-list (cons (+ (car loc) radius) (+ 1 (- (cdr loc) radius)))
+ (- (* 2 radius) 1))
+ (h-coord-list (cons (- (car loc) radius) (+ (cdr loc) radius))
+ (+ 1 (* 2 radius)))
+ (v-coord-list (cons (- (car loc) radius) (+ 1 (- (cdr loc) radius)))
+ (- (* 2 radius) 1))))
+(define (h-coord-list loc n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ '()
+ (cons loc (h-coord-list (cons (+ 1 (car loc)) (cdr loc)) (- n 1)))))
+(define (v-coord-list loc n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ '()
+ (cons loc (v-coord-list (cons (car loc) (+ 1 (cdr loc))) (- n 1)))))
+; Gimme a function and a list. I'll give you a list of pairs.
+; (function-results . pair) Of course, the function should take one argument.
+;(define (coord-list-apply func loc-list)
+; (if (null? loc-list)
+; '()
+; (cons (cons (func (car loc-list))
+; (car loc-list))
+; (coord-list-apply func (cdr loc-list)))))
+;(define (find-result x tsil)
+; (if (null? tsil)
+; '()
+; (if (eqv? x (caar tsil))
+; (cons (cdar tsil)
+; (find-result x (cdr tsil)))
+; (find-result x (cdr tsil)))))
+; What direction is loc2 from loc1 ?
+; (If the direction is an exact diagonal, I don't know what you'll get, but
+; I don't think that's particularly wrong either.)
+(define (tell-direction loc1 loc2)
+ (if (> (abs (- (car loc1) (car loc2)))
+ (abs (- (cdr loc1) (cdr loc2))))
+ (if (< 0 (- (car loc1) (car loc2)))
+ 'west
+ 'east)
+ (if (< 0 (- (cdr loc1) (cdr loc2)))
+ 'north
+ 'south)))
+;(define (new-favorite-direction)
+;; (d-list (list "--- favorite direction is: " favorite-direction "\n"))
+; (set! on-frontier #f)
+; (let* ((cur-dir favorite-direction)
+; (face-dir (car facing))
+; (new-dir (tell-direction loc (find-frontier 1))))
+; (if (equal? new-dir cur-dir)
+; (if (equal? new-dir face-dir)
+; (set! favorite-direction (cadr facing))
+; (set! favorite-direction face-dir))
+; (set! favorite-direction new-dir))))
+; Call this with an initial argument of 1. It will search outward from the
+; robot for a location it hasn't yet visited. It will return a list of
+; such locations which are all roughly the same distance from the robot.
+; This is used to select a new destination for the robot when it's gotten
+; stuck somewhere.
+(define (find-frontier n)
+ (d-list (list "--- find-frontier " n " ---\n"))
+ (if (> n 20) (dump)) ; PROBABLY a problem
+ (let ((result (frontier-do n)))
+ (d-list (list result "\n"))
+ (if (and (not (null? result))
+ (equal? "baddie" (at-loc (car result)))
+ (= n 1))
+ (set! result (append (frontier-do 2) result)))
+ (if (null? result)
+ (find-frontier (+ n 1))
+ (car result))))
+; Produces a list of possible frontier values (sorted and sanity checked).
+(define (frontier-do n)
+ (quicksort ; Spaces are better than baddies.
+ (frontier-sanity (coord-around-list loc n))
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (cond ((and (equal? (at-loc a) "space")
+ (equal? (at-loc b) "baddie")) 'less-than)
+ ((and (equal? (at-loc a) "baddie")
+ (equal? (at-loc b) "space")) 'greater-than)
+ (#t 'equal-to)))))
+; This keeps the results of find-frontier in check. We throw out:
+; (1) Locations that are off the map.
+; (2) Walls.
+; (3) Locations we haven't mapped (find-path doesn't know how to get there).
+; (4) Locations we've already visited.
+; That way find-frontier should give us a spot which is exatly next to a
+; spot we haven't mapped.
+(define (frontier-sanity loc-list)
+ (if (null? loc-list)
+ '()
+ (if (or (out-of-bounds? (car loc-list))
+ (equal? (at-loc (car loc-list)) "wall")
+ (not (at-loc (car loc-list)))
+ (been-to (car loc-list)))
+ (frontier-sanity (cdr loc-list))
+ (cons (car loc-list) (frontier-sanity (cdr loc-list))))))
+; This decides how we move.
+(define (go)
+ (if (and (equal? (at-loc (front-loc)) "space")
+ (not (been-to (front-loc))))
+ (move 1)
+ (let ((path (find-path (find-frontier 1))))
+ (if (null? path)
+ (dump)
+ (execute-path path)))))
+;(define (go)
+; (if (and (equal? (at-loc (vector-loc favorite-direction loc)) "space")
+; (or (not on-frontier)
+; (not (been-to (vector-loc favorite-direction loc))))
+; (not (equal? (car facing) favorite-direction)))
+; (turn-face favorite-direction)
+; (if (equal? (at-loc (front-loc)) "space")
+; (move 1)
+; (if (and (equal? (at-loc (right-loc)) "space")
+; (or (not on-frontier) (not (been-to (right-loc)))))
+; (turn 1)
+; (if (and (equal? (at-loc (left-loc)) "space")
+; (or (not on-frontier) (not (been-to (left-loc)))))
+; (turn -1)
+; (let ((path (find-path (find-frontier 1))))
+; (if (null? path)
+; (dump)
+; (execute-path path))))))))
+; (new-favorite-direction)
+; (turn-face favorite-direction)))))))
+;;; Debugging functions.
+; Dummies (so the guile interpreter doesn't blow up)
+;(define (robot-feel n) (display "robot-feel\n") "space")
+;(define (robot-move n) (display "robot-move\n") #t)
+;(define (robot-turn n) (display "robot-turn\n") #t)
+;(define (robot-grab) (display "robot-grab\n") #t)
+;(define (d-list tsil) (if (null? tsil) '() (cons (display (car tsil)) (d-list (cdr tsil)))))
+(define (d-list tsil) tsil)
+; Print the map to the screen and exit.
+(define (dump)
+ (display-map map)
+ (quit))
+(define (display-map map)
+ (if (null? map)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (display-map-line (car map))
+ (display-map (cdr map)))))
+(define (space-out n)
+ (if (= n 0)
+ '()
+ (begin
+ (display " ")
+ (space-out (- n 1)))))
+(define (display-map-line tsil)
+ (if (null? tsil)
+ (space-out (- 80 (list-count (car map))))
+; (display "\n")
+ (begin
+ (if (equal? "space" (car tsil))
+ (display "."))
+ (if (equal? "baddie" (car tsil))
+ (display "@"))
+ (if (equal? "wall" (car tsil))
+ (display "#"))
+ (if (not (car tsil))
+ (display "x"))
+ (if (equal? "food" (car tsil))
+ (display "+"))
+ (if (equal? "prize" (car tsil))
+ (display "$"))
+ (display-map-line (cdr tsil)))))
+;;; Main program.
+(define (main-loop)
+ (go)
+ (main-loop))
+(set! map (init-map 1 1)) ; The map is tiny, but it will grow.
+(sort-freq!) ; Sort the frequency list if it isn't already.
+(mark-map! loc "space") ; I start out on a space, Shirly.
+(feel-around) ; Get your bearings.
+(main-loop) ; GO.