path: root/src/usage.c
diff options
authorJakub Sławiński2005-06-07 12:06:18 +0200
committerJoshua Judson Rosen2014-07-17 21:14:58 +0200
commit32aff2b27ccc3b3e51fb6f0bd77fe0073827c527 (patch)
treef2fc2530a6960f6fdf4d63eb80c4f61342250bbd /src/usage.c
parentv0.6 (diff)
- Added: http proxy tunnels between afserver and afclient - Fixed: sigint interception with threads enabled (in http proxy mode) - Fixed: FATAL ERROR in afclient in some situations after close of afserver when http proxy mode is enabled - Added: afclients can connect directly to afserver with enabled proxy mode - Fixed: timeout routine in http proxy tunnels - Added: 'rshow' command in ra mode displays 'tunneltype' - Fixed: printing IP of clients when http proxy mode is enabled - Added: 'tunneltype' per client in ra mode after 'cshow' command - Fixed: closing connection when http proxy mode is enabled - Fixed: threads initialization - Fixed: afserver closing after sigint - Fixed: afclient threads initialization - Added: 'version' option to display program version number - Modified: establishing afclient<->afserver connection - Added: 'keep-alive' option - Fixed: using 'proxyport' without 'proxyname' - Added: auto-reconnect feature to afclient - Added: 'ar-tries' and 'ar-delay' options - Modified: http proxy logging - Fixed: closing connection with afclient after receiving id - Fixed: thread closing due to wrong initialization sequence - Fixed: small bug in initialization process - Heavily Modified: logging routines - Added: audit option - Modified: default dateformat is now ISO 8601 - Modified: printing usage - Fixed: bug in threads' initialization in afclient - Added: 'timeout' and 'dateformat' options in ra mode - Modified: empty dateformat disables printing '[] ' - Added: 'audit' and 'dnslookups' options in ra mode - Fixed: afserver freeze bug - Added: 'kuser' and 'kclient' options in ra mode - Fixed: bug in starting afclient in ra mode - Added: audit log printed also after kicking the client
Diffstat (limited to 'src/usage.c')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/usage.c b/src/usage.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4510781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/usage.c
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ * active port forwarder - software for secure forwarding
+ * Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005 jeremian <jeremian [at]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include "usage.h"
+#include "network.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ void
+server_short_usage(char* info)
+ printf("\n%s\n\n\n", info);
+ printf("Try `afserver --help' for more information.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ void
+server_long_usage(char* info)
+ printf("\n%s\n\n\n", info);
+ printf(" Basic options:\n\n");
+ printf(" -n, --hostname - it's used when creating listening sockets\n");
+ printf(" (default: '')\n");
+ printf(" -l, --listenport - listening port number - users connect\n");
+ printf(" to it (default: 50127)\n");
+ printf(" -m, --manageport - manage port number - second part of the active\n");
+ printf(" port forwarder connects to it (default: 50126)\n");
+ printf(" -V, --version - display version number\n");
+ printf(" -h, --help - prints this help\n\n");
+ printf(" Authorization:\n\n");
+ printf(" --pass - set the password used for client identification\n");
+ printf(" (default: no password)\n\n");
+ printf(" Configuration:\n\n");
+ printf(" -c, --cerfile - the name of the file with certificate\n");
+ printf(" (default: cacert.pem)\n");
+ printf(" -k, --keyfile - the name of the file with RSA key (default: server.rsa)\n");
+ printf(" -f, --cfgfile - the name of the file with the configuration for the\n");
+ printf(" active forwarder (server)\n");
+ printf(" -D, --dateformat - format of the date printed in logs (see 'man strftime'\n");
+ printf(" for details) (default: %%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S)\n\n");
+ printf(" -t, --timeout - the timeout value for the client's connection\n");
+ printf(" (default: 5)\n");
+ printf(" -u, --users - the amount of users allowed to use this server\n");
+ printf(" (default: 5)\n");
+ printf(" -C, --clients - the number of allowed clients to use this server\n");
+ printf(" (default: 1)\n");
+ printf(" -r, --realm - set the realm name (default: none)\n");
+ printf(" -R, --raclients - the number of allowed clients in remote administration\n");
+ printf(" mode to use this server (default: 1)\n");
+ printf(" -U, --usrpcli - the number of allowed users per client (default: $users)\n");
+ printf(" -M, --climode - strategy used to connect users with clients (default: 1)\n");
+ printf(" Available strategies:\n");
+ printf(" 1. fill first client before go to next\n\n");
+ printf(" -p, --proto - type of server (tcp|udp) - what protocol it will be\n");
+ printf(" operating for (default: tcp)\n");
+ printf(" -b, --baseport - listenports are temporary and differ for each client\n");
+ printf(" -a, --audit - additional information about connections are logged\n");
+ printf(" --nossl - ssl is not used to transfer data (but it's still used\n");
+ printf(" to establish a connection) (default: ssl is used)\n");
+ printf(" --nozlib - zlib is not used to compress data (default: zlib is\n");
+ printf(" used)\n");
+ printf(" --dnslookups - try to obtain dns names of the computers rather than\n");
+ printf(" their numeric IP\n\n");
+ printf(" Logging:\n\n");
+ printf(" -o, --log - log choosen information to file/socket\n");
+ printf(" -v, --verbose - to be verbose - program won't enter the daemon mode\n");
+ printf(" (use several times for greater effect)\n\n");
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+ printf(" IP family:\n\n");
+ printf(" -4, --ipv4 - use ipv4 only\n");
+ printf(" -6, --ipv6 - use ipv6 only\n\n");
+ printf(" HTTP PROXY:\n\n");
+ printf(" -P, --enableproxy - enable http proxy mode\n\n");
+ exit(0);
+ void
+client_short_usage(char* info)
+ printf("\n%s\n\n\n", info);
+ printf("Try `afclient --help' for more information.\n");
+ exit(1);
+client_long_usage(char* info)
+ printf("\n%s\n\n\n", info);
+ printf(" Basic options:\n\n");
+ printf(" -n, --servername - where the second part of the active\n");
+ printf(" port forwarder is running (required)\n");
+ printf(" -m, --manageport - manage port number - server must be\n");
+ printf(" listening on it (default: 50126)\n");
+ printf(" -d, --hostname - the name of this host/remote host - the final\n");
+ printf(" destination of the packets (default: the name\n");
+ printf(" returned by hostname function)\n");
+ printf(" -p, --portnum - the port we are forwarding connection to (required)\n");
+ printf(" -V, --version - display version number\n");
+ printf(" -h, --help - prints this help\n\n");
+ printf(" Authorization:\n\n");
+ printf(" -i, --id - sends the id string to afserver\n");
+ printf(" --pass - set the password used for client identification\n");
+ printf(" (default: no password)\n\n");
+ printf(" Configuration:\n\n");
+ printf(" -k, --keyfile - the name of the file with RSA key (default: client.rsa)\n");
+ printf(" -D, --dateformat - format of the date printed in logs (see 'man strftime'\n");
+ printf(" for details) (default: %%d.%%m.%%Y %%H:%%M:%%S)\n");
+ printf(" -K, --keep-alive N - send keepalive packets every N seconds\n");
+ printf(" (default: not send keepalive packets)\n");
+ printf(" -A, --ar-tries N - try N times to reconnect to afserver after\n");
+ printf(" its premature quit (default: unlimited)\n");
+ printf(" -T, --ar-delay N - wait N seconds between reconnect tries (default: 5)\n\n");
+ printf(" Modes:\n\n");
+ printf(" -u, --udpmode - udp mode - client will use udp protocol to\n");
+ printf(" communicate with the hostname:portnum (-p)\n");
+ printf(" -U, --reverseudp - reverse udp forwarding. Udp packets will be forwarded\n");
+ printf(" from hostname:portnum (-p) to the server name:portnum\n");
+ printf(" (-m)\n");
+ printf(" -r, --remoteadmin - remote administration mode. (using '-p #port' will\n");
+ printf(" force afclient to use port rather than stdin-stdout)\n\n");
+ printf(" Logging:\n\n");
+ printf(" -o, --log - log choosen information to file/socket\n");
+ printf(" -v, --verbose - to be verbose - program won't enter the daemon mode\n");
+ printf(" (use several times for greater effect)\n\n");
+#ifdef AF_INET6
+ printf(" IP family:\n\n");
+ printf(" -4, --ipv4 - use ipv4 only\n");
+ printf(" -6, --ipv6 - use ipv6 only\n\n");
+#ifdef HAVE_LIBDL
+ printf(" Modules:\n\n");
+ printf(" -l, --load - load a module for user's packets filtering\n");
+ printf(" -L, --Load - load a module for service's packets filtering\n\n");
+ printf(" HTTP PROXY:\n\n");
+ printf(" -P, --proxyname - the name of the machine with proxy server\n");
+ printf(" -X, --proxyport - the port used by proxy server (default: 8080)\n\n");
+ exit(0);