RELEASE HISTORY FOR GNU ROBOTS: _____________________________________________________________________ 1.1.0 Bug fix release. Imporve GUI, including proper handling of X events. Scrap plugable UI's in preperation for GTK GUI. General clean up. 1.0D Added some extra documentation (but not much) and the early beginning of code clean-up. 1.0C Pawel fixed a bug where the robot was not able to smell anything to the east or west. Fixed a few other bugs. Moving the robot around and zapping things and picking things up just got a little more expensive. If you are running an old robot under GNU Robots 1.0, you may notice that your robot won't last as long. I think the new energy "costs" will challenge people to write more efficient robot programs. Removed scm_random and scm_randomize, since the random function is now provided in GNU Guile 1.3. If you are trying to run GNU Robots under GNU Guile 1.2 or previous, you will need to patch it yourself using the src/random.c source file. Ran all the .c files through GNU Indent. Sorry about not having done that before, everyone. Added more comments to the sample robot programs. Tim Northover contributed a GNU Robots map editor. I have put this in the `contrib' directory. _____________________________________________________________________ 0.95 - Applied several patches from Steinar Hamre that fix how `configure' locates GNU Guile. No feature enhancements. 0.91 - Fixed a few annoying bugs. No feature enhancements. 0.9 - Used GNU Autoconf to configure the source for various platforms. Made robot variables into `long', improved command line using `getopt', and added Scheme functions to check robot status. Also, included some sample robots that were submitted. 0.8 - Added GNU Getopt to scan command line. Added contributions for X Windows interface, and added cooler XPMs. Changed build target names, to be more descriptive. Added html documentation. 0.77 - Added 'random' and 'randomize' functions. Redefined 'exit' and 'quit' to exit nicely. Some tweaking to initial energy. 0.76 - Added code to stop the game when the robot runs out of energy or shields fall to zero. Reduced globals to only main.c and api.c. Now builds both the curses and log-file game for 'make all'. 0.72 - Fixed a bug during movement. Added a new sample robot. First release when the game engine actually seems to work. Does not stop the game when the robot is dead, though.