/* * active port forwarder - software for secure forwarding * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 jeremian * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #include "file.h" #include "activefor.h" #include "logging.h" #include "network.h" #include #include #include #include #include ClientConfiguration* cparsefile(char* name, int* status) { ClientConfiguration* cfg; FILE* file = NULL; int state, i, n; #ifdef AF_INET6 int temp; #endif char buff[256]; char helpbuf1[256]; char helpbuf2[256]; char* tmpbuf; unsigned char pass[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; *status = 1; memset(buff, 0, 256); cfg = ClientConfiguration_new(); if (cfg == NULL) { printf("Can't allocate memory for client configuration... exiting\n"); exit(1); } state = F_UNKNOWN; file = fopen(name, "r"); if (file == NULL) { return cfg; } ClientConfiguration_set_realmsNumber(cfg, 1); ClientConfiguration_set_realmsTable(cfg, calloc(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(cfg), sizeof(ClientRealm*))); if (ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg) == NULL) { printf("Can't allocate memory for ClientRealm* table... exiting\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < ClientConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(cfg); ++i) { ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[i] = ClientRealm_new(); if (ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[i] == NULL) { printf("Problem with allocating memory for ClientRealm structure... exiting"); exit(1); } ClientRealm_set_password(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[i], pass); } *status = 0; while (fgets(buff, 256, file) != NULL) { /* second loop - parsing file */ (*status)++; state = parse_line(buff, helpbuf1, helpbuf2); if (helpbuf1[0] == '#') { memset(buff, 0, 256); continue; } if (state == 1) { if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ignorepkeys") == 0) { ClientConfiguration_set_ignorePublicKeys(cfg, 1); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ar-start") == 0) { ArOptions_set_arStart(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), AR_OPTION_ENABLED); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ar-quit") == 0) { ArOptions_set_arQuit(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), AR_OPTION_ENABLED); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "noar") == 0) { ArOptions_set_arPremature(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), AR_OPTION_DISABLED); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "u") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "udpmode") == 0)) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "U") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "reverseudp") == 0)) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "r") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "remoteadmin") == 0)) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "S") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "use-https") == 0)) { HttpProxyOptions_use_https(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0])); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "B") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "pa-t-basic") == 0)) { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyauth_type(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), PROXYAUTH_TYPE_BASIC); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "enableproxy")==0) { if (ClientRealm_get_tunnelType( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]) == 0) { ClientRealm_set_tunnelType( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], 1); } else { return cfg; } } #endif #ifdef AF_INET6 else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ipv4")==0) { if (TYPE_IS_UNSPEC(ClientRealm_get_realmType( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]))) { temp = ClientRealm_get_realmType(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]); TYPE_SET_IPV4(temp); ClientRealm_set_realmType(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], temp); } else { return cfg; } } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ipv6")==0) { if (TYPE_IS_UNSPEC(ClientRealm_get_realmType( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]))) { temp = ClientRealm_get_realmType(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]); TYPE_SET_IPV6(temp); ClientRealm_set_realmType(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], temp); } else { return cfg; } } #endif else { return cfg; } } else if (state == 2) { if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "k") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "keyfile") == 0)) { ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cfg, helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "s") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "storefile") == 0)) { ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cfg, helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "o") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "log") == 0)) { tmpbuf = calloc(strlen(helpbuf2)+1, sizeof(char)); strcpy(tmpbuf, helpbuf2); addlogtarget(tmpbuf); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "D") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "dateformat") == 0)) { ClientConfiguration_set_dateFormat(cfg, helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "n") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "servername") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_serverName(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "m") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "manageport") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_managePort(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "d") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "hostname") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_hostName(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "p") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "portnum") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_destinationPort(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "localname") == 0) { ClientRealm_set_localName(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "localport") == 0) { ClientRealm_set_localPort(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "localdesname") == 0) { ClientRealm_set_localDestinationName(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "i") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "id") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_realmId(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if (strcmp(helpbuf1, "pass") == 0) { n = strlen(helpbuf2); memset(pass, 0, 4); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { pass[i%4] += helpbuf2[i]; } ClientRealm_set_password(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], pass); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "K") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "keep-alive") == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_sKeepAliveTimeout(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0], helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "A") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ar-tries") == 0)) { ArOptions_set_s_arTries(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "T") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "ar-delay") == 0)) { ArOptions_set_s_arDelay(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "P") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "proxyname") == 0)) { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyname(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "X") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "proxyport") == 0)) { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyport(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), helpbuf2); } else if ((strcmp(helpbuf1, "C") == 0) || (strcmp(helpbuf1, "pa-cred") == 0)) { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyauth_cred(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions( ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cfg)[0]), helpbuf2); } else { return cfg; } } memset(buff, 0, 256); } fclose(file); *status = 0; return cfg; }