/* * active port forwarder - software for secure forwarding * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 jeremian * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #include "afclient.h" static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", 0, 0, 'h'}, {"udpmode", 0, 0, 'u'}, {"reverseudp", 0, 0, 'U'}, {"servername", 1, 0, 'n'}, {"manageport", 1, 0, 'm'}, {"hostname", 1, 0, 'd'}, {"portnum", 1, 0, 'p'}, {"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'}, {"keyfile", 1, 0, 'k'}, {"cerfile", 1, 0, 'c'}, {"storefile", 1, 0, 's'}, {"cfgfile", 1, 0, 'f'}, {"log", 1, 0, 'o'}, {"pass", 1, 0, 301}, {"ignorepkeys", 0, 0, 302}, #ifdef AF_INET6 {"ipv4", 0, 0, '4'}, {"ipv6", 0, 0, '6'}, #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL {"load", 1, 0, 'l'}, {"Load", 1, 0, 'L'}, #endif {"id", 1, 0, 'i'}, {"dateformat", 1, 0, 'D'}, {"remoteadmin", 0, 0, 'r'}, #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD {"use-https", 0, 0, 'S'}, {"proxyname", 1, 0, 'P'}, {"proxyport", 1, 0, 'X'}, {"pa-t-basic", 0, 0, 'B'}, {"pa-cred", 1, 0, 'C'}, #endif {"version", 0, 0, 'V'}, {"keep-alive", 1, 0, 'K'}, {"ar-tries", 1, 0, 'A'}, {"ar-delay", 1, 0, 'T'}, {"ar-start", 0, 0, 305}, {"ar-quit", 0, 0, 306}, {"noar", 0, 0, 307}, {"localname", 1, 0, 311}, {"localport", 1, 0, 312}, {"localdesname", 1, 0, 313}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; ClientConfiguration* cconfig; int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* * variables */ int i, n, numofcon, length, buflength, temp, temp2 = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SOCKIOS_H int notsent; socklen_t aLength; #endif ConnectUser** usersTable = NULL; unsigned char buff[9000]; char hostname[100]; int maxfdp1; socklen_t addressLength; struct sockaddr* clientAddress; fd_set rset, allset, wset, tmpset; struct timeval keepAlive; char verbose = 0; HttpProxyOptions* hpo = HttpProxyOptions_new(); char hpoUsed = 0; ArOptions* ao = ArOptions_new(); ClientRealm* pointer; char aoUsed = 0; char passwordWasSet = 0; char* realmId = NULL; char* serverName = NULL; char* managePort = NULL; char* hostName = NULL; PortList* destinationPorts = PortList_new(); char* localName = NULL; char* localPort = NULL; char* localDestinationName = NULL; char* keys = NULL; char* certif = NULL; char* store = NULL; char* dateformat = NULL; char* kaTimeout = NULL; char* filenam = NULL; char ipFamily = 0; unsigned char password[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4}; char udpMode = 0; char reverseMode = 0; char remoteMode = 0; char realmType = 0; char ignorePublicKeys = 0; struct sigaction act; #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL Module *moduleA = Module_new(), *moduleB = Module_new(); #endif SSL_METHOD* method; SSL_CTX* ctx = NULL; /* * initialization */ #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD if (hpo == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation... exiting\n"); exit(1); } #endif if (ao == NULL) { printf("Problems with memory allocation... exiting\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if ((moduleA == NULL) || (moduleB == NULL)) { printf("Problems with memory allocation... exiting\n"); exit(1); } #endif sigfillset(&(act.sa_mask)); act.sa_flags = 0; act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction(SIGPIPE, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = client_sig_int; sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = client_sig_alrm; sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD remember_mainthread(); #endif #ifdef AF_INET6 #define GETOPT_LONG_AF_INET6(x) "46"x #else #define GETOPT_LONG_AF_INET6(x) x #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD #define GETOPT_LONG_LIBPTHREAD(x) "SP:X:BC:"x #else #define GETOPT_LONG_LIBPTHREAD(x) x #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL #define GETOPT_LONG_LIBDL(x) "l:L:"x #else #define GETOPT_LONG_LIBDL(x) x #endif while ((n = getopt_long(argc, argv, GETOPT_LONG_LIBDL(GETOPT_LONG_LIBPTHREAD( GETOPT_LONG_AF_INET6("huUn:m:d:p:vk:c:s:o:i:D:rP:X:VK:A:T:f:"))) , long_options, 0)) != -1) { switch (n) { case 'h': { client_long_usage(AF_VER("Active port forwarder (client)")); break; } case 'n': { serverName = optarg; break; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD case 'S': { HttpProxyOptions_use_https(hpo); hpoUsed = 1; break; } case 'P': { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyname(hpo, optarg); hpoUsed = 1; break; } case 'X': { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyport(hpo, optarg); hpoUsed = 1; break; } case 'B': { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyauth_type(hpo, PROXYAUTH_TYPE_BASIC); hpoUsed = 1; break; } case 'C': { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyauth_cred(hpo, optarg); hpoUsed = 1; break; } #endif case 'i': { realmId = optarg; break; } case 'm': { managePort = optarg; break; } case 'd': { hostName = optarg; break; } case 'p': { PortList_insert_back(destinationPorts, PortListNode_new(optarg)); break; } case 'v': { ++verbose; break; } case 'u': { udpMode = 1; break; } case 'U': { reverseMode = 1; break; } case 'k': { keys = optarg; break; } case 'c': { certif = optarg; break; } case 's': { store = optarg; break; } case 'f': { filenam = optarg; break; } case 'o': { addlogtarget(optarg); break; } case 301: { n = strlen(optarg); memset(password, 0, 4); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { password[i%4] += optarg[i]; } passwordWasSet = 1; break; } case 302: { ignorePublicKeys = 1; break; } case 305: { ArOptions_set_arStart(ao, AR_OPTION_ENABLED); aoUsed = 1; break; } case 306: { ArOptions_set_arQuit(ao, AR_OPTION_ENABLED); aoUsed = 1; break; } case 307: { ArOptions_set_arPremature(ao, AR_OPTION_DISABLED); aoUsed = 1; break; } case 311: { localName = optarg; break; } case 312: { localPort = optarg; break; } case 313: { localDestinationName = optarg; break; } #ifdef AF_INET6 case '4': { if (ipFamily != 0) { ipFamily = -1; } else { ipFamily = 4; } break; } case '6': { if (ipFamily != 0) { ipFamily = -1; } else { ipFamily = 6; } break; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL case 'l': { Module_set_fileName(moduleA, optarg); break; } case 'L': { Module_set_fileName(moduleB, optarg); break; } #endif case 'D': { dateformat = optarg; break; } case 'r': { remoteMode = 1; break; } case 'V': { printf("%s\n", (AF_VER("Active port forwarder (client)"))); exit(0); break; } case 'K': { kaTimeout = optarg; break; } case 'A': { ArOptions_set_s_arTries(ao, optarg); aoUsed = 1; break; } case 'T': { ArOptions_set_s_arDelay(ao, optarg); aoUsed = 1; break; } case '?': { client_short_usage(""); break; } } } if (optind < argc) { client_short_usage("Unrecognized non-option elements"); } if (filenam != NULL) { cconfig = cparsefile(filenam, &n); if (n) { printf("parsing failed! line:%d\n", n); exit(1); } else { if (keys == NULL) { if (ClientConfiguration_get_keysFile(cconfig) == NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cconfig, "client.rsa"); } } else { ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cconfig, keys); } if (certif != NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_certificateFile(cconfig, certif); } if (store == NULL) { if (ClientConfiguration_get_storeFile(cconfig) == NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cconfig, "known_hosts"); } } else { ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cconfig, store); } if (dateformat != NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_dateFormat(cconfig, dateformat); } if (ignorePublicKeys) { ClientConfiguration_set_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig, ignorePublicKeys); } initializelogging(verbose, ClientConfiguration_get_dateFormat(cconfig)); aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_INFO, "client's cfg file OK! (readed realms: %d)", ClientConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(cconfig)); if ((ClientConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(cconfig) == 0) || (ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cconfig) == NULL) || ((pointer = ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cconfig)[0]) == NULL)) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Working without sense is really without sense..."); exit(1); } if (hpoUsed) { ClientRealm_set_httpProxyOptions(pointer, hpo); } else { HttpProxyOptions_free(&hpo); } if (aoUsed) { ClientRealm_set_arOptions(pointer, ao); } else { ArOptions_free(&ao); } if ((serverName != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_serverName(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_serverName(pointer, serverName); } if ((managePort != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_managePort(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_managePort(pointer, managePort); } if ((hostName != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_hostName(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_hostName(pointer, hostName); } if ((PortList_get_size(destinationPorts) != 0) && (PortList_get_size(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer)) == 0)) { ClientRealm_set_destinationPorts(pointer, destinationPorts); } if ((realmId != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_realmId(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_realmId(pointer, realmId); } if ((localName != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_localName(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_localName(pointer, localName); } if ((localPort != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_localPort(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_localPort(pointer, localPort); } if ((localDestinationName != NULL) & (ClientRealm_get_localDestinationName(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_localDestinationName(pointer, localDestinationName); } if ((kaTimeout != NULL) && (ClientRealm_get_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer) == NULL)) { ClientRealm_set_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer, kaTimeout); } if (reverseMode) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: reverseudp will be ignored"); } if (udpMode) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: udpmode will be ignored"); } if (remoteMode) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: remoteadmin will be ignored"); } if (passwordWasSet) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: pass will be ignored"); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_get_fileName(moduleA)) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: load will be ignored"); } if (Module_get_fileName(moduleB)) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: Load will be ignored"); } #endif } } else { cconfig = ClientConfiguration_new(); if (cconfig == NULL) { printf("Can't allocate memory for client configuration... exiting\n"); exit(1); } ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cconfig, keys); ClientConfiguration_set_certificateFile(cconfig, certif); ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cconfig, store); ClientConfiguration_set_dateFormat(cconfig, dateformat); ClientConfiguration_set_realmsNumber(cconfig, 1); ClientConfiguration_set_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig, ignorePublicKeys); initializelogging(verbose, ClientConfiguration_get_dateFormat(cconfig)); if (ClientConfiguration_get_keysFile(cconfig) == NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cconfig, "client.rsa"); } if (ClientConfiguration_get_storeFile(cconfig) == NULL) { ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cconfig, "known_hosts"); } ClientConfiguration_set_realmsTable(cconfig, calloc(ClientConfiguration_get_realmsNumber(cconfig), sizeof(ClientRealm*))); if (ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cconfig) == NULL) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Can't allocate memory for ClientRealm* table... exiting"); exit(1); } pointer = ClientRealm_new(); if (pointer == NULL) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Can't allocate memory for ClientRealm structure... exiting"); exit(1); } ClientConfiguration_get_realmsTable(cconfig)[0] = pointer; ClientRealm_set_serverName(pointer, serverName); ClientRealm_set_managePort(pointer, managePort); ClientRealm_set_hostName(pointer, hostName); ClientRealm_set_destinationPorts(pointer, destinationPorts); ClientRealm_set_realmId(pointer, realmId); ClientRealm_set_httpProxyOptions(pointer, hpo); ClientRealm_set_arOptions(pointer, ao); ClientRealm_set_password(pointer, password); ClientRealm_set_localName(pointer, localName); ClientRealm_set_localPort(pointer, localPort); ClientRealm_set_localDestinationName(pointer, localDestinationName); ClientRealm_set_realmId(pointer, realmId); ClientRealm_set_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer, kaTimeout); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL ClientRealm_set_userModule(pointer, moduleA); ClientRealm_set_serviceModule(pointer, moduleB); #endif if (reverseMode) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } if (udpMode) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } if (remoteMode) { if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_TCP) { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE); } else { ClientRealm_set_clientMode(pointer, CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN); } } } /* * WARNING: we have only one ClientRealm at the moment */ if (ClientRealm_get_serverName(pointer) == NULL) { client_short_usage("Name of the server is required"); } if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_UNKNOWN) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Conflicting/unknown client modes... exiting"); exit(1); } if (ClientRealm_get_managePort(pointer) == NULL) { ClientRealm_set_managePort(pointer, "50126"); if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE) client_short_usage("Port on the server is required in reverse mode"); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD if ((HttpProxyOptions_get_proxyname(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions(pointer))) || (HttpProxyOptions_get_proxyport(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions(pointer)))) { if (ClientRealm_get_tunnelType(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_TUNNELTYPE_DIRECT) { ClientRealm_set_tunnelType(pointer, CLIENTREALM_TUNNELTYPE_HTTPPROXY); } else { ClientRealm_set_tunnelType(pointer, CLIENTREALM_TUNNELTYPE_UNKNOWN); } } if (ClientRealm_get_tunnelType(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_TUNNELTYPE_HTTPPROXY) { if (HttpProxyOptions_get_proxyport(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions(pointer)) == NULL) { HttpProxyOptions_set_proxyport(ClientRealm_get_httpProxyOptions(pointer), "8080"); } } #endif if ((ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE) && (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE) && (ClientRealm_get_hostName(pointer) == NULL)) { gethostname(hostname, 100); ClientRealm_set_hostName(pointer, hostname); } if ((ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE) && (PortList_get_size(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer)) == 0)) { client_short_usage("Destination port number is required"); } if (ClientRealm_get_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer)) { ClientRealm_set_keepAliveTimeout(pointer, check_value(ClientRealm_get_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer), "Invalid timeout value")); keepAlive.tv_sec = ClientRealm_get_keepAliveTimeout(pointer); keepAlive.tv_usec = 0; ClientRealm_set_keepAlive(pointer, keepAlive); } ArOptions_evaluate_values(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)); if (ignorePublicKeys) { ClientConfiguration_set_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig, ignorePublicKeys); } #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_loadModule(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Loading a module %s failed!", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))); exit(1); } if (Module_loadModule(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Loading a module %s failed!", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))); exit(1); } #endif TYPE_SET_ZERO(realmType); TYPE_SET_SSL(realmType); TYPE_SET_ZLIB(realmType); #ifdef AF_INET6 if ((ipFamily != 0) && (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) <= 0)) { ClientRealm_set_ipFamily(pointer, ipFamily); } if (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) == -1) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Conflicting types of ip protocol family... exiting"); exit(1); } else if (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) == 4) { TYPE_SET_IPV4(realmType); } else if (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) == 6) { TYPE_SET_IPV6(realmType); } #endif ipFamily = 0x01; #ifdef AF_INET6 if (TYPE_IS_IPV4(realmType)) { ipFamily |= 0x02; } else if (TYPE_IS_IPV6(realmType)) { ipFamily |= 0x04; } #endif ClientRealm_set_ipFamily(pointer, ipFamily); ClientRealm_set_realmType(pointer, realmType); if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE) { SSL_library_init(); /* Use the latest TLS version we can: */ method = SSLv23_client_method(); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(method); /* Both SSLv2 and SSLv3 are broken--refuse to use them; this should get us at least some version of TLS, ideally whatever the best both our OpenSSL library and the server's OpenSSL library can support: */ SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); if (SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, "ALL:@STRENGTH") == 0) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Setting cipher list failed... exiting"); exit(1); } if ((temp2 = create_apf_dir(0))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: Creating ~/.apf directory failed (%d)", temp2); if ((temp2 = create_apf_dir(1))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: Creating ./apf directory failed (%d)", temp2); } } store = ClientConfiguration_get_storeFile(cconfig); if ((temp2 = create_publickey_store(&store))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: Something bad happened when creating public key store... (%d)", temp2); } ClientConfiguration_set_storeFile(cconfig, store); keys = ClientConfiguration_get_keysFile(cconfig); if ((temp2 = generate_rsa_key(&keys))) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_WARNING, "Warning: Something bad happened when generating rsa keys... (%d)", temp2); } ClientConfiguration_set_keysFile(cconfig, keys); if (SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file(ctx, keys, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Setting rsa key failed (%s)... exiting", keys); exit(1); } certif = ClientConfiguration_get_certificateFile(cconfig); if (certif) { if (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, certif) != 1) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Setting certificate failed (%s)... exiting", certif); exit(1); } } if ((ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE) && (!verbose)) daemon(0, 0); if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE) { temp2 = -1; if (PortList_get_size(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer)) > 0) { if (ip_listen(&n, ClientRealm_get_serverName(pointer), PortListNode_get_portName(PortList_get_nth(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer), 0)), &addressLength, ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer))) { #ifdef AF_INET6 aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "tcp_listen_%s error for %s, %s", (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) & 0x02) ? "ipv4" : (ClientRealm_get_ipFamily(pointer) & 0x04) ? "ipv6" : "unspec", ClientRealm_get_serverName(pointer), PortListNode_get_portName(PortList_get_nth(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer), 0))); #else aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "tcp_listen error for %s, %s", ClientRealm_get_serverName(pointer), PortListNode_get_portName(PortList_get_nth(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer), 0))); #endif exit(1); } clientAddress = malloc(addressLength); if (clientAddress == NULL) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_CRIT, "Can't allocate memory for sockaddr structure... exiting"); exit(1); } ClientRealm_set_addressLength(pointer, addressLength); ClientRealm_set_clientAddress(pointer, clientAddress); temp2 = accept(n, ClientRealm_get_clientAddress(pointer), &addressLength); } } } i = ArOptions_get_arTries(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)); SslFd_set_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), -1); do { temp = 0; if (SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer)) != -1) { close(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer))); } ClientRealm_closeUsersConnections(pointer); SslFd_set_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), NULL); if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE) { if (temp == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage1(pointer, ctx, buff, (ArOptions_get_arStart(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)) == AR_OPTION_ENABLED) ? 0 : 1, ClientConfiguration_get_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig))) { temp = 1; } } if ((temp == 0) && (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_REMOTE)) { return client_admin(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, temp2, ClientRealm_get_realmId(pointer)); } if (temp == 0) { realmType = ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer); if (initialize_client_stage2(pointer, buff, (ArOptions_get_arStart(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)) == AR_OPTION_ENABLED) ? 0 : 1)) { temp = 1; } } } /* !reverse */ else { if (initialize_client_reverse_udp(pointer)) { temp = 1; } } if (temp == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage3(pointer, &buflength, &allset, &wset, &maxfdp1, (ArOptions_get_arStart(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)) == AR_OPTION_ENABLED) ? 0 : 1)) { temp = 1; } } /* UDP REVERSE MODE */ if ((temp == 0) && (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_REVERSE)) { client_reverse_udp(pointer, buff, buflength); } if (i > 0) { --i; } if ((i != 0) && (temp == 1)) { aflog(LOG_T_INIT, LOG_I_INFO, "Trying to reconnect..."); mysleep(ArOptions_get_arDelay(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer))); ClientRealm_set_realmType(pointer, realmType); } if (temp == 0) { break; } } while (i); /* NORMAL MODE */ aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "CLIENT STARTED mode: %s", (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP) ? "udp" : "tcp"); aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "SERVER SSL: %s, ZLIB: %s, MODE: %s", (TYPE_IS_SSL(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer)) ? SSL_get_version(SslFd_get_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer))) : "no"), (TYPE_IS_ZLIB(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) ? "yes" : "no", (TYPE_IS_TCP(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) ? "tcp" : "udp"); aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "SERVER MULTI: %s", (TYPE_IS_SUPPORTED_MULTI(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) ? "yes" : "no"); aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_NOTICE, "CIPHER: %s VER: %s", SSL_get_cipher_name(SslFd_get_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer))), SSL_get_cipher_version(SslFd_get_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer)))); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_isModuleLoaded(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "LOADED MODULE: %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))); } if (Module_isModuleLoaded(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "LOADED MODULE (ser): %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))); } #endif ClientRealm_send_realmId(pointer, buff); ClientRealm_enable_multi(pointer); for ( ; ; ) { rset = allset; tmpset = wset; aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "select"); if (ClientRealm_get_sKeepAliveTimeout(pointer)) { if (select(maxfdp1, &rset, &tmpset, NULL, ClientRealm_get_keepAlivePointer(pointer)) == 0) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_DEBUG, "timeout: sending keep-alive packet"); buff[0] = AF_S_KEEP_ALIVE; SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); keepAlive.tv_sec = ClientRealm_get_keepAliveTimeout(pointer); keepAlive.tv_usec = 0; ClientRealm_set_keepAlive(pointer, keepAlive); } } else { select(maxfdp1, &rset, &tmpset, NULL, NULL); } aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "after select..."); usersTable = ClientRealm_get_usersTable(pointer); for (i = 0; i < ClientRealm_get_usersLimit(pointer); ++i) { if ((ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_OPEN) || (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_STOPPED) || (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_KICKING)) { if (FD_ISSET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &rset)) { /* FD_ISSET CONTABLE[i].CONNFD RSET */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: FD_ISSET", i); n = read(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &buff[5], 8091); if (n == -1) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { continue; } aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_ERR, "error (%d): while reading from service", errno); n = 0; } #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SOCKIOS_H # ifdef SIOCOUTQ if (ioctl(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer)), SIOCOUTQ, ¬sent)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_CRIT, "ioctl error -> exiting..."); exit(1); } if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP) { aLength = 4; if (getsockopt(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer)), SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &temp2, &aLength) != -1) { if (temp2 != buflength) { buflength = temp2; aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "Send buffer size changed..."); } } if (buflength <= notsent + n + 5) { /* when we can't send this */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d]: DROP size:%d, buf:%d, w:%d/%d", i, n+5, buflength, notsent, buflength); # else if (ioctl(master.commfd, TIOCOUTQ, ¬sent)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_CRIT, "ioctl error -> exiting..."); exit(1); } if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP) { len = 4; if (getsockopt(master.commfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &temp2, &len) != -1) { if (temp2 != buflength) { buflength = temp2; aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "Send buffer size changed..."); } } if (notsent <= n + 5) { /* when we can't send this */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d]: DROP size:%d, buf:%d, w:%d/%d", i, n+5, buflength, buflength-notsent, buflength); # endif continue; /* drop this packet */ } } #endif if (n) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_isModuleLoaded(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))) { switch ((temp2 = Module_function_filter(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer), ConnectUser_get_nameBuf(usersTable[i]), &buff[5], &n))) { case 1: case 4: { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d] (by ser): PACKET IGNORED BY MODULE", i); if (temp2 == 4) { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE (ser): %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)); } continue; break; } case 2: case 5: { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_NOTICE, "user[%d] (by ser): DROPPED BY MODULE", i); close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", i, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &wset); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLOSING); BufList_clear(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i])); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); if (temp2 == 5) { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE (ser): %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)); } continue; break; } case 3: { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE (ser): %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_serviceModule(pointer)); break; } } } #endif buff[0] = AF_S_MESSAGE; /* sending message */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ buff[3] = n >> 8; /* high bits of message length */ buff[4] = n; /* low bits of message length */ #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_SOCKIOS_H aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: TO msglen: %d [%d/%d]", i, n, # ifdef SIOCOUTQ notsent # else buflength - notsent # endif , buflength); #else aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: TO msglen: %d", i, n); #endif SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, n+5); } else if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) != CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: CLOSING", i); close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", i, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &wset); if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_KICKING) { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLEAR); } else { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLOSING); } BufList_clear(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i])); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } } /* - FD_ISSET CONTABLE[i].CONNFD RSET */ } } for (i = 0; i < ClientRealm_get_usersLimit(pointer); ++i) { if ((ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_STOPPED) || (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_KICKING)) { if (FD_ISSET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &tmpset)) { /* FD_ISSET CONTABLE[i].CONNFD TMPSET */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: FD_ISSET - WRITE", i); n = BufListNode_readMessageLength(BufList_get_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i]))); temp2 = write(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), BufListNode_readMessage(BufList_get_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i]))), n); if ((temp2 > 0) && (temp2 != n)) { BufListNode_set_actPtr(BufList_get_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i])), BufListNode_get_actPtr(BufList_get_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i]))) + temp2); } else if ((temp2 == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: Couldn't write?", i); } else if (temp2 == -1) { close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", i, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &wset); if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_KICKING) { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLEAR); } else { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLOSING); } buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } else { BufList_delete_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i])); if (BufList_get_first(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[i])) == NULL) { FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &wset); buff[0] = AF_S_CAN_SEND; /* stopping transfer */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "FROM user[%d]: BUFFERING MESSAGE ENDED", i); SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[i]) == S_STATE_KICKING) { close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", i, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[i]), &wset); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_CLEAR); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = i >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = i; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } else { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[i], S_STATE_OPEN); } } } } /* - FD_ISSET CONTABLE[i].CONNFD TMPSET */ } } if (FD_ISSET(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer)), &rset)) { /* FD_ISSET MASTER.COMMFD RSET */ aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "masterfd: FD_ISSET"); n = SslFd_get_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); if (n != 5) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_ERR, "FATAL ERROR! (%d)", n); if (n == -1) { if (TYPE_IS_SSL(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) { get_ssl_error(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), "FE", n); continue; /* what happened? */ } } if (n != 0) exit(1); } if (n == 0) { /* server quits -> we do the same... */ i = ArOptions_get_arTries(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)); if (ArOptions_get_arPremature(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)) == AR_OPTION_DISABLED) { i = 0; } if (i) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_ERR, "SERVER: premature quit -> auto-reconnect enabled"); } while (i) { ClientRealm_closeUsersConnections(pointer); close(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer))); SslFd_set_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), NULL); mysleep(ArOptions_get_arDelay(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer))); aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "Trying to reconnect..."); temp2 = 0; if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage1(pointer, ctx, buff, 0, ClientConfiguration_get_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig))) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage2(pointer, buff, 0)) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage3(pointer, &buflength, &allset, &wset, &maxfdp1, 0)) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { n = 1; aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "Reconnected successfully..."); usersTable = ClientRealm_get_usersTable(pointer); ClientRealm_send_realmId(pointer, buff); ClientRealm_enable_multi(pointer); break; } if (i > 0) { --i; } } if (n == 0) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_CRIT, "SERVER: premature quit -> exiting..."); exit(1); } continue; } numofcon = buff[1]; numofcon = numofcon << 8; numofcon += buff[2]; /* this is id of user */ length = buff[3]; length = length << 8; length += buff[4]; /* this is length of message */ switch (buff[0]) { case AF_S_CONCLOSED : { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_CONCLOSED", numofcon); if ((numofcon>=0) && (numofcon<=ClientRealm_get_usersLimit(pointer))) { if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_CLOSING) { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_CLEAR); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: CLOSE CONFIRMED", numofcon); } else if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_OPEN) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: CLOSED", numofcon); close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", numofcon, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &wset); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_CLEAR); BufList_clear(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon])); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } else if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_STOPPED) { ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_KICKING); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: CLOSING...", numofcon); } } break; } case AF_S_CONOPEN : { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_CONOPEN", numofcon); if ((numofcon>=0) && (numofcon<=ClientRealm_get_usersLimit(pointer))) { if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_CLEAR) { n = SslFd_get_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, length); ConnectUser_set_nameBuf(usersTable[numofcon], (char*) buff); ConnectUser_set_portBuf(usersTable[numofcon], (char*) &buff[128]); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: OPENING", numofcon); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_INFO, "user[%d]: IP:%s PORT:%s", numofcon, ConnectUser_get_nameBuf(usersTable[numofcon]), ConnectUser_get_portBuf(usersTable[numofcon])); #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_isModuleLoaded(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)) && Module_function_allow(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer), ConnectUser_get_nameBuf(usersTable[numofcon]), ConnectUser_get_portBuf(usersTable[numofcon]))) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d]: IT'S NOT ALLOWED - DROPPING", numofcon); buff[0] = AF_S_CANT_OPEN; /* not opening connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); continue; } #endif if (ClientRealm_get_clientMode(pointer) == CLIENTREALM_MODE_UDP) { ipFamily = 0; } else { ipFamily = 0x01; } #ifdef AF_INET6 if (TYPE_IS_IPV4(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) { ipFamily |= 0x02; } else if (TYPE_IS_IPV6(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer))) { ipFamily |= 0x04; } #endif temp2 = 0; if (n == 136) { if (PortList_get_size(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer)) == 1) { temp2 = 0; } else { temp2 = buff[135] % PortList_get_size(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer)); } } if (ip_connect(&temp, ClientRealm_get_hostName(pointer), PortListNode_get_portName(PortList_get_nth(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer), temp2)), ipFamily, ClientRealm_get_localDestinationName(pointer), NULL)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d]: CAN'T CONNECT to %s:%s - DROPPING", numofcon, ClientRealm_get_hostName(pointer), PortListNode_get_portName(PortList_get_nth(ClientRealm_get_destinationPorts(pointer), temp2))); buff[0] = AF_S_CANT_OPEN; /* not opening connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); continue; } ConnectUser_set_connFd(usersTable[numofcon], temp); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Setting connFd: %d", numofcon, temp); temp2 = fcntl(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), F_SETFL, temp2 | O_NONBLOCK); FD_SET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); maxfdp1 = (maxfdp1 > (ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]) + 1)) ? maxfdp1 : (ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]) + 1); buff[0] = AF_S_CONOPEN; /* opening connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_OPEN); } } break; } case AF_S_MESSAGE : { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_MESSAGE", numofcon); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: FROM msglen: %d", numofcon, length); n = SslFd_get_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, length); if ((numofcon>=0) && (numofcon<=ClientRealm_get_usersLimit(pointer))) { if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_OPEN) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBDL if (Module_isModuleLoaded(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))) { switch ((temp2 = Module_function_filter(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer), ConnectUser_get_nameBuf(usersTable[numofcon]), buff, &n))) { case 1: case 4:{ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_WARNING, "user[%d]: PACKET IGNORED BY MODULE", numofcon); if (temp2 == 4) { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE: %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)); } continue; break; } case 2: case 5:{ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_NOTICE, "user[%d]: DROPPED BY MODULE", numofcon); close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", numofcon, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &wset); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_CLOSING); BufList_clear(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon])); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); if (temp2 == 5) { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE: %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)); } continue; break; } case 3: { aflog(LOG_T_MAIN, LOG_I_INFO, "RELEASED MODULE: %s INFO: %s", Module_get_fileName(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)), Module_function_info(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer))); Module_releaseModule(ClientRealm_get_userModule(pointer)); break; } } } #endif aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: FROM msglen: %d SENT", numofcon, n); temp2 = write(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), buff, n); if ((temp2 > 0) && (temp2 != n)) { BufList_insert_back(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon]), BufListNode_new_message(temp2, n, buff)); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_STOPPED); FD_SET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &wset); buff[0] = AF_S_DONT_SEND; /* stopping transfer */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "FROM user[%d]: BUFFERING MESSAGE STARTED", numofcon); SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } else if ((temp2 == -1) && (errno == EAGAIN)) { BufList_insert_back(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon]), BufListNode_new_message(0, n, buff)); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_STOPPED); FD_SET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &wset); buff[0] = AF_S_DONT_SEND; /* stopping transfer */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "FROM user[%d]: BUFFERING MESSAGE STARTED", numofcon); SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } else if (temp2 == -1) { close(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "user[%d]: Closing connFd: %d", numofcon, ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon])); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &wset); ConnectUser_set_state(usersTable[numofcon], S_STATE_CLOSING); BufList_clear(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon])); buff[0] = AF_S_CONCLOSED; /* closing connection */ buff[1] = numofcon >> 8; /* high bits of user number */ buff[2] = numofcon; /* low bits of user number */ SslFd_send_message(ClientRealm_get_realmType(pointer), ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), buff, 5); } } else if (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_STOPPED) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DDEBUG, "FROM user[%d]: BUFFERING MESSAGE", numofcon); BufList_insert_back(ConnectUser_get_bufList(usersTable[numofcon]), BufListNode_new_message(0, n, buff)); } } break; } case AF_S_CLOSING : { /* server shut down */ n = 0; i = ArOptions_get_arTries(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)); if (ArOptions_get_arQuit(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer)) == AR_OPTION_DISABLED) { i = 0; } if (i) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_ERR, "SERVER: CLOSED -> auto-reconnect enabled"); } while (i) { ClientRealm_closeUsersConnections(pointer); close(SslFd_get_fd(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer))); SslFd_set_ssl(ClientRealm_get_masterSslFd(pointer), NULL); mysleep(ArOptions_get_arDelay(ClientRealm_get_arOptions(pointer))); aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "Trying to reconnect..."); temp2 = 0; if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage1(pointer, ctx, buff, 0, ClientConfiguration_get_ignorePublicKeys(cconfig))) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage2(pointer, buff, 0)) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { if (initialize_client_stage3(pointer, &buflength, &allset, &wset, &maxfdp1, 0)) { temp2 = 1; } } if (temp2 == 0) { n = 1; aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "Reconnected successfully..."); usersTable = ClientRealm_get_usersTable(pointer); ClientRealm_send_realmId(pointer, buff); ClientRealm_enable_multi(pointer); break; } if (i > 0) { --i; } } if (n == 0) { aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_INFO, "SERVER: CLOSED -> exiting... cg: %ld bytes", getcg()); exit(1); } break; } case AF_S_DONT_SEND: { if ((ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_OPEN) || (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_STOPPED)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_DONT_SEND", numofcon); FD_CLR(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); } else { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_DONT_SEND - ignored", numofcon); } break; } case AF_S_CAN_SEND: { if ((ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_OPEN) || (ConnectUser_get_state(usersTable[numofcon]) == S_STATE_STOPPED)) { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_CAN_SEND", numofcon); FD_SET(ConnectUser_get_connFd(usersTable[numofcon]), &allset); } else { aflog(LOG_T_USER, LOG_I_DEBUG, "user[%d]: AF_S_CAN_SEND - ignored", numofcon); } break; } default : { /* unrecognized type of message -> exiting... */ aflog(LOG_T_CLIENT, LOG_I_ERR, "SERVER: unrecognized message -> exiting... cg: %ld bytes", getcg()); exit(1); break; } } } /* - FD_ISSET MASTER.COMMFD RSET */ } }